Friday, June 6, 2008

A Timely Lesson

This week we're exploring and I can easily see the value of it for both research assistance and especially for creating bookmarks that can be accessed anywhere. The computer I use at work is about to be re-built for a third time this year. Each time my computer has gone in for service, my "favorites" have gone away with it. I'm eager to set up a account so that I can access the most useful sites from any computer while mine is back in the shop.

An article in the April 2008 issue of American Libraries describes the ways some libraries have used in order to keep site links up to date. One library even organized the tags into various subject areas in order to make searching easier for their patrons.

A co-worker and I were discussing and one concern we have regards the lack of uniform subject tracings. If I want to find sites pertaining to gardening, I need to search for "garden" "gardens" "gardening" etc. There is no standard that dictates use of tags. Overall, I do think this is still a great way to take my favorites with me from computer to computer.

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