Friday, June 20, 2008

This Too, Shall Not Pass

I just browsed through five perspectives on Library 2.0, and one by Dr. Wendy Schultz caught my attention immediately, for hers opened with the words "This too shall pass." When we first began our 23 Things study, I must admit, I was reluctant to invest much time on it. After all, I believed anything related to new technologies is quickly replaced by newer technologies and made obsolete. What I often forget, however, is that technologies of today are the basis for those coming next. I can apply what I learn today to the next generations. Dr. Schultz stated that Library 4.0 will not replace 1.0, 2.0 or 3.0, it will absorb them. I'm at the 15th thing now, so I vow to soldier on until I reach the 23rd. I wonder how many "things" we'll need to learn about Library 3.0?!

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