Thursday, July 3, 2008

The End?

I have reached the 23rd thing in our web 2.0 exploration. I have enjoyed working on my blog posts, and I loved playing with the image generator. I check my Bloglines account daily for a one-stop place to keep up on various blogs. We're using Zoho Writer in my department for planning an upcoming event.

These exercises have forced me to look at new technologies I otherwise would have ignored. This is a great way to have staff development without having to re-schedule library programs to attend classes. I was able to work on the exercises for brief periods at work and at home and at my convenience.

As far as unexpected outcomes or surprises, I feel a sense of accomplishment from figuring things out. Any frustrations I felt were worthwhile for the knowledge I gained. There are some things I've learned about that will help me do my job, such as best practices wikis and blogs and online productivity.

I think the program and format for these exercises worked well. There are podcasts for people who learn best by hearing information, and plenty of visual and hands on activities to suit other learning styles. The best part was not having to fit classes or lectures into a busy work schedule.

I would definitely participate in future discovery programs of this nature. I'm sure they will be necessary as technologies adapt and we find new "things" to discover.

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